• 广东金众人力资源有限公司
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[日期:2014-8-4 14:43:20 点击次数:点击:2792次]
发布企业:广东金众人力资源有限公司代客户发布 年龄要求:
职   位:整车安全系统与集成专家 联系电话:0769-89168255
招聘人数: 联 系 人:李小姐
工作地区:浙江杭州 英语水平:
性   别: 薪资待遇:年薪60万
工作年限: 学历要求:

  1、整车安全详细策划、安全目标分解及其技术可行性分析; detailed planning of vehicle satety, safety targets distribution and technical feasibility analyasis 2、对整车安全开发进行设计指导(安全性能开发和安全零部件开发);design and guide vehicle safety( safety performance development and safety-related component parts development) 
      3、对整车安全的前沿技术进行研究; study of the cutting edge technology in vehicle safety.
      4、对车身结构仿真模型、约束系统模型、行人保护模型、儿童保护模型和WHIPLASH仿真模型进行审核、确定和优化;optimize, review and confirm the vehicle structure simulation model, retraint system model, pedestrian prodection model, children protection model and whiplash simulation model. 
      5、对乘员保护试验、行人保护试验、儿童保护试验、鞭打试验和主动安全试验进行分析和优化; analyse and optimize the passenger protection test, pedestrian protection test, children protection test and whiplash test, and the test of active safety. 
      6、能够制定或修订公司内整车安全开发的相关标准法规;able to formulate and revise relevant standard and regulations on vehicle safety in the company. 
      7、负责整车安全开发数据库、规范和流程的开发和编制;responsible for database buiding for vehicle safety development and compilation of specifications and process
      8、负责业务能力提升工作,指导和培养员工提升技能。responsible for competence improvement, providing guidance and training for colleagues. <br/>任职资格<br/>1、 大学本科学历,汽车或相关专业;bachelor‘s degree(automobile engineering or related) 
      2、 有10年以上整车安全开发工作经验;10 years experience in vehicle safety development.
      3、 了解国内外整车安全方面的法规、NCAP评价规则和保险防盗法规; 熟悉整车安全开发流程familiar with chinese vehicle safety laws and regulations, NCAP evaluation rules and insurance and anti-theft regulations, and vehicle safety development process 
      4 、熟悉安全气囊、安全带、座椅和安全气囊控制单元开发流程和开发要点;familiar with airbag, seat belt, seat and airbag control unit development process and related keypoints
      5、精通整车安全开发中的安全车身开发、约束系统开发、行人保护开发、儿童保护开发、鞭打保护开发和主动安全开发;proficient in car body development of vehicle safety development,restraint system development, pedestrian protection development, children protection development, whiplash protection and active safety development. 
      6、精通整车安全开发过程中各种整车试验、滑车试验和零部件试验; proficent in all vehicle tests, sled test and component parts test. 
      7、精通HYPERWORK、MADYMO、DYNA、CATIA软件使用; good command of softwares such as HYPERWORK, MADYMO, DYNA,CATIA 
      8、熟练的英语读写能力、良好的口语沟通能力。skillful of English reading, writing and speaking.
方法一: 发送简历 - 请将您的简历发送至: jz@jinzhonghr.com
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